Somewhere In Between
Photography & Video, 2021~2022
Photography, Archival Pigment Print, 90 x 60 cm, 8 pcs
Single Channel Video with sound
「 Song of Siti 」 , 2'2
「 Blankets of Pitay 」 , 6'
「Karen, Alone in Taiwan 」 , 8'
<Somewhere In Between> project, which was started in Hualien in 2021 and continue in Taipei in 2022, starts from my own experience. I met migrant women as like me, to share their thoughts and feelings about their family and mother, talk about how they are adjusting to and living in relationships in different cultures, and record their everyday life in photography.
What they think, how they behave, what they wear and what they eat all depend on their own environment and cultural background. A woman is looking at the camera. What space is she in? What traces are coexisting in the space? What expression is she making? What is she thinking? What emotion is she feeling? She has a subtle tension between her and her camera. The sense of identity and disparity that she feels in different environments and cultures is the boundary that makes her think that she does not exist here as well as exists. The boundary is extinguished little by little every day, and sometimes it is newly created every day. What sets them apart? What brings them together? Are they happy? Or are they just being together? There is a tense atmosphere at the boundary where two different cultures meet. She is in that tension. She feel physically, geographically, and emotionally between certain boundaries(in certain gap). The feeling of being in between means that it doesn’t belong to any place, and it also means that it belongs to both places at the same time.
I hope that through the appearances and feelings of the models, we can once again reflect on the lives of ourselves, grandmothers, mothers, older sisters, sisters and daughters. In addition, I hope that it will be an opportunity to reconsider how women's lives have changed in the history of human migration and what has changed in women's identity, position, and role in society.

Photography, Digital C-print, 95 x 63.3 cm

Photography, Digital C-print, 95 x 63.3 cm

Photography, Digital C-print, 95 x 63.3 cm

Photography, Digital C-print, 95 x 63.3 cm

Single Channel Video with sound, 2mins 2