L'air du Silence
Photography, Archival Pigment Print 60 x 60 cm, 2009
This project is «a poetic dialogue of solitude that exists between silence and emptiness».
This project expresses the loneliness of private space, and allows observation of everyday objects and personal space. It is also a story about my or our fundamental loneliness, shaped by light.
As we think about individualism and private space, it is natural to ask questions about the ramifications of problems - for example, loneliness in an individual's daily life. What do we see in private space today? Why do we feel lonely in private space? Where is loneliness prominent in an individual's life? Questions such as At what moment do you feel lonely? «Space» is the basis of life and the basis of modern human thinking.
The most easily accessible and observable spaces are private spaces such as homes, houses, and rooms. The most basic human activities take place in the private space, and the individual's mental individuality is best expressed. Likewise, contrary to the public space, we hide something deep inside us in the private space.
This project is about the image of humanity in modern society, especially the negative situation. These images are in the universal and the most personal. In other words, these images are «a modern metaphor for the deep and silent boredom that is densely piled up in private spaces». « Solitude » or « Loneliness » dominates the whole of this image. This is the loneliness expressed by the visible gaze from an introverted and subjective point of view.
« Solitude » and « Silence » are everywhere. The air of silence and emptiness surrounds everyday objects in private living spaces. The individual always feels alone in his universality and introspection. The image of solitude in the private space shown in this project is like a beautiful but cold and quiet utopia. It can be said that it is a contradictory loneliness that appears in the modern comfortable personal space. Personally, private space is a very ideal and comfortable space. However, there is always the weight of silence and emptiness. Therefore, here are images filled with the still air with the serene coolness that explains the universality of our daily life. Through this project, I hope that you can understand my or other people's lives that feel the same or different. I also hope that these images will become a mirror that allows one to observe and reflect on an individual's life.
- in Artist Statement -

Photography, Archival Pigment Print, 60 x 60 cm

Installation View in France